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Epsom & Ewell
Philatelic Society

Large Vermeil winner
Interested in stamp collecting, philately, postal history or other ephemera? Then why not join us?
We are a friendly, informal group ranging from near beginners to world-renowned experts.
We meet fortnightly in Epsom, Surrey, from September to June. Details are on the 2024-5 Meetings page.
GET IN TOUCH - You can email us at
Sealed with a twist
SO you have addressed all your Christmas card envelopes but don't the look just a bit, well, plain?
What you are looking for is something to brighten then up, and help out a charity as well.
The answer to your prayer is a Christmas Seal.
As ROBERT MOTT shows in this display, the idea came from Denmark but was taken up by many countries, especially the United States. To view the display, just click on the first image. To turn the page, click on the right-side arrow.
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